Thursday, June 12, 2008


Kirk, Wendy and the 3 gr. Kids are on their way back to our house. ! I think everyone has heard of the Humbolt Fire on the national news. They are under mandatory evacuation and had to leave the Flip house. There are only 4 roads into Paradise, 3, which have been closed because of fire. It has already burned 8,000 acres and some homes and is heading towards Pentz Rd. The kids live right off Pentz !!!! Plus it is the only road left to get out. They are afraid this fire might destroy the whole town.
This fire started yesterday just about a mile from our house. The winds have been terrible. Lucky for us, the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. I had gone to town to buy dishes, glasses, silverware, towels, sheets, etc. to give to a family that lost their home the day before in the huge fire in Oroville/Palarmo area. (21 homes destroyed in that fire.) I was shocked to see another fire burning and so close to my home. This fire reached Paradise so quickly.I never would have dreamed it would burn so far…so fast. These are 2 separate fires, a day apart. Bob’s main office is in Paradise.
We are anxiously waiting for the kids to get here. They called once saying traffic was stalled as everyone was trying to leave town.
Prayer is needed for all the families affected.
I’ll keep you posted.

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