Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Cootie Catcher"

We had the 3 grand boys spend the night. Joshua is 6, Jacob will be 8 next week and Rannon will be 8 in a couple months. Since Rannon has moved closer, I want the boys to get to know each other better. They started a "Cool Cousin Club." They swam, farted, ate hamburgers, farted some more, made ice cream sundaes and had a burping contest. They did their best to clean up the mess, putting the dirty paper plates in the "cootie catcher." That's what they call my trash can because it has a cool lid that goes up and down. These boys had so much fun, sometimes laughing till they had tears. I made them a big bed on the floor with all my cushions in the TV room. They stayed up late watching Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
I took them to church with me this morning. Jacob and Joshua go quite often with me, but it was a first for Rannon. (I generally plan my sleep overs so they can go with me to church. It is so important to plant little seeds!)
My sweet, noisy little guys told me they had a cool grandma! It sure warms my heart.
Well, this is one cool, happy, tired grandma who has a "cootie catcher!!!" I will have no problems sleeping tonight.

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