Monday, December 8, 2008

A Child is Born

On Saturday at 4:15 pm, our family was blessed with a new addition. My niece,( brother Wayne's daughter) gave birth to a darling little boy. His name is Isaac DeDupre Gutierrez. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 21 inches long.
Everyone at the hospital said it went fairly fast for a first born. I was there the whole time but I have nothing to compare to since I had experienced NO pain during my childbirths. Seeing her in pain during a contraction made me realize how fortunate I had been.
In the course of 6 hours she had dilated to 9. Her husband has fingernail marks on his hand (probably permanent, LOL)from her grasping tightly. She did great!! Before giving birth, her doctor had told her the baby would be around 6 lbs. (The baby's father is small framed and she had gained only 17 lbs.) Boy was he wrong. Pictures will be in my next blog.
Currently I'm baking and preparing party stuff for our Office Christmas Party. We invite around 700 clients in which about 200 usually come. It is an open house type of party. BUT !!! It is so much work. I decorate the office and cater all the food items myself. The party is on Wednesday. Hey, you are invited!