Thursday, October 2, 2008

No Work...Now All Play.....

Work for the season is finally over. It seemed strange this morning to not head out the door at 4am. (Of course my inner clock had me wide awake at 3am)

I had my appt. with the surgeon today. Gee, these doctors seem so young. What happened to the grandpa type's? Anyway, a good friend of mine (a retired surgeon) recommended this doctor. My gallbladder will be removed Oct. 14th.

The flip house is on the market . The kids did a great job and they staged it so cute. People who had seen it before they started were truly amazed. With the economy the way it is now, it is really scary. It is just a BAD time to try to sell a home.

I need to drag my camera out so I can post pictures.


It won't be long said...

Yippee! I was going to call you tonight, but Gary thought you were still working and you may have already been asleep.
I'm on my long stretch at work now, but will try to call you when I'm off.
Glad the flip house is finished. They must have worked like gangbusters. Glad it didn't burn, too. Yeah, post some pics. I'm interested in seeing what they did.
I have some new pics I want to post soon. Take care. Dawn

CATHY said...

Glad to see your work schedule is over. Now you can get working on your blog.
Would love to see some pics of the flip house.
Sorry I missed your call yesterday, we were out and about late. Worked all day today around the house. Look at my blog and you'll see what I mean.

Marilyn said...

Welcome back to the real world little sister. Maybe now you can get in some R&R. No that wont happen, I know you to well, you already have that pretty little head of your's thinking about the next project around the house you want to start.You know I'm right!
Sorry to hear about your surgery. Today's surgery is a lot easier than it use to be years ago. I'll be lifting you up in prayer for a easy time and a quick recovery. Love ya, sister Marilyn