Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm back!!!

Sorry about the long delay. Most of my friends got caught up in FaceBook so I gave it a try. They played Farmville as well as leaving little notes.
I just didn't get it as far as the farm thing went. Farmville had caused a temporary rift between some family members, and the locating "lost or old friends", caused two divorces between loved ones. My husband thought FB was evil, and since I seldom would leave comments, it was very easy to give up. Besides,giving up FB was a very small thing that pleased my hubby.
So anyway...I am back to blogging, (only a couple of people even read it) But I did enjoy blogging.
Alot has transpired and I will slowly bring this up to date.
The flip houses I blogged about earlier did not end well. The kids left us in debt, damaged the work we had paid to have done. We actually gave them 64 thousand dollars for the year plus paid for rent, and ALL utilities. They had said deliberate hurtful things to us. It was bad, very bad. We had to "PAY them off" to get them out, with the law enforcement on our side. Now they won't let us see the grandkids and haven't for almost two years. They have returned birthday cards we sent to the grandkids and have not contacted us since.
I'll blog more tomorrow my friend, as this is just the tip of the ice berg.

1 comment:

CATHY said...

Glad you back to blogging. I agree with the FB thing, but I do enjoy my one game, and keeping in touch with friends far away.
So sorry to hear about the absence of your grandkids, I know how dear they are to you. I will pray that somehow the Lord will intervene and soften their hearts.
I have returned to blogging too. Not too much going on right now, other than re doing my kitchen.
Will look forward to more blogs.