Last Christmas I hit a home run in picking a present for my hubby.
I told him his present will be a dog but we need to decide on what kind,
size and temperament. We agreed on a small dog, short hair or one that doesn't shed,
a mellow temperament (since we are grandparents), Not one that chews on furniture or digs holes in the yard. Does that sound like I asked for too much in a little furry friend?
Well, in the paper appeared a dog, free to a good home. This dog lived on a ranch and Bob was so excited to take a look. He said we we NOT going to decide but just take a look. I agreed since our search had just begun. Within a few minutes of meeting "Katie" my hubby had fell in love with her. How could I say NO. He already was saying she was "the best Christmas present ever!" Remember, she came from a ranch and her full name was Cattle Kate. She is part Jack Russell and part border collie. She was great at herding cattle but also liked to herd the horses and chickens....Need I say more?
She was just 1 year old. This puppy has ADHD I am sure of it. Within the first week so had chewed the wood legs on our occasional chair in the living room, knocked a 200 dollar lamp off the end table and broke it because she was running in a full circle in the living room. She was running too fast for us to catch her! She has dug holes in our back yard, and gets excited and pees on the carpet when company rings the doorbell. We have since taken her to obedience school. She is very smart but has a never ending supply of energy. We take her for walks and when we let her off the leash, she tries to herd us! She demands attention all the time.
This year I wanted to get her a boy for Christmas. A boy with her energy level, but since that wasn't possible, she got lots of toys and doggy bones and Christmas for me, I prayed for patience.......
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, what an experience. We have our sons 1 1/2 yr old pooch living here, she is full of energy. I don't think I would have room to list all of the things she has managed to destroy, but she needs obedient school. We all try to take her for walks or runs, trying to get rid of some of her energy, she is such a busy puppy. So adorable too. It is hard for me to discipline her. I think she is lab and pit bull mix, not sure, they got her from animal rescue in LA.
Your puppy is so cute. I am sure she will mellow in time, thats if you can afford her accidents. I am very thankful, WIllow, doesn't potty in the house. I am not sure what I would do. My son and his wife are living here until March, they will be taking her with them when they move. We probably won't replace her for a very long time.
Glad you blogged. I was so excited when I checked.
Hope all is well.
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