To my dear friends, Dawn and Cathy.
Dawn (or do you prefer Helen?) Anyway , your room is ready. I'm so excited that you and Gary will be coming by for a night.
Also, my home is open for Cathy and her hubby, should they like to come for a visit someday.
kerBeautiful. Does a massage come with it? :-) Pray for me that my boss will let me off the 22nd. I had forgotten that I agreed to work extra when we made our plans to come down. Staffing is so tight. I am fearing she will hold me to it. H
Looks great. I will definately be coming up sometime. Don't foreget, I have two extra rooms so you are welcome here anytime.
OK, now you both can come visit me, too!!!!
Where did you get the adorable lamps?
Cathy, You of all people should recognize merchandise from ....
TJ Max ! (lamps)
oh my goodness, i had seen something like that there and didn't jump on it...oh well, you snooze you loose....they are adorable.
Shirley, our visit date may change. I will let you know as soon as I find out. It's depending on my job.
Shirley, they are jerking me around at work about my time off.
Would late Sunday afternoon be ok?
We would head for Bend Monday AM pretty early. Have towork that night. Let me know if this will work.
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