Two of my grand daughters with grandpa.

My three grand sons on the 4th.
I'm sorry it has taken so much time to get back to blogging.
The fires and smoke went on for over a month. The only clear day was the Fourth of July. (I guess the smoke took a holiday!)
I'm back to work at my summer job. It is 7 days a week in which I'm up at 3:30 am. So I try to get to bed early. I take turns having the grand children over for a swim and dinner after work. Thursday is with our daughter's kids and Friday is with my son's kids. I get my "grandma fix" and the parents get a little time for themselves. These swim parties last about 5 hours and we cram all the fun we can into it. Then I go to bed and die!!! Oh, too be young again!
Glad to see some fun pics pics.
I can only imagine how depressing it has been with all of the smoke.
Guess the Lord wanted to give you a break and clear the sky for the holiday.
I am so glad that you get to see your grandkids often. I wish I lived closer to mine but at least I get to see them once a month.
Get some rest!
Well, I'm glad you haven't died!!!
I know it's your busy time at work. I still check your blog anyway.
Did the fire reach the "flip" house or Bob's office? Hope not. Take care. Love, Dawn
Dawn....Yes the fire did reach where the flip house was, but did not burn it. There were 6 fire trucks parked out front waiting to see if it was going to cross the river. If it had, they said it would be only a matter of minutes before it reached their street, and of course Paradise would burn. We still get days that are very smoky.
I may not blog much till work eases up but I read yours and Cathy's all the time. (Mostly Cathy's since you tend to blog once a month!) Love you, JeseaG
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