Yea.... the pool is finally done. Now I need to finish the landscaping. We are going to bar-be-que later and let the gr.kids try out the pool. (If the pool boy gives the go ahead. He is coming by for a final inspection and to collect his last payment.)
How nice. So clean and blue. We really need to do some work on ours.
I bet you are really going to get a lot of use out it too. Just be sure and wear your sunblock.
Will be looking forward to the landscaping.
Wow, I really enjoyed reading all of your entries! Mallorie is a sweetie. You are blessed to have your grands so near.
The pool looks inviting.
I'm excited you finally made some entries. I don't have an explanation as to why you can't get into my blog. I haven't changed anything. Try it again.
I don't know if I'll be able to make it down there. We have 2 major trips for July. I'll look at my calender and you pray!
I'm getting a little concerned about you and boyfriend Jose' Cuervo??? FUnny!!! Love you. Dawn
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