Jacob and Joshua are on the same team this year. (Jacob is almost 9 and Joshua is 7.)
This is good for the boys. Josh is learning a lot from his big brother.
It also makes it easier to watch a whole game instead of going back and forth between 2 different games. They were warming up with the team when grandma got her camera out. Without having to say anything, they both looked at the camera and said "cheese".

Jacob was the only one to hit home runs on both teams that played. This was his second one that game. These 2 home runs brought home a total of 6 runs.
Joshua did great too. He got base hits each time he was up to bat and even made the final out of the game. He was playing 3rd base and stopped a ground ball then tag the base making a forced out. He did it so naturally even tho he seemed so surprised at what he did.