Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Groundhog's Day

Most people have heard of Ground hog's day. While it isn't any kind of a holiday, it does appear on calendars and marked on Feb. 2nd. My birthday is also on that day so all my life I've been called the "family groundhog." If the gr.hog sees it's shadow on that day, it is said we will get 6 more weeks of winter. As you can see by this picture, the "family gr.hog did in fact, see her shadow. Yes... I know, where I live, we desperately need winter, (rain mostly.) The lake here is soooo low, it will take more than the grhog's shadow. Does any one know a "rain dance?"
I did have a great birthday. I feel so blessed and loved. I had heard from so many family, old dear friends and new friends. All of my birthday wishes left me feeling quite special indeed. I thank each and every one for making my day so great....Did you say, how old am I? As my husband puts it, I am two nickles. (55)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fire proof

Last night my sisters Marilyn and Evelyn and brother Wayne (and their spouses)came over for dinner and a movie. I had bought the movie "Fireproof" which I was eager to share with family. It was great bonding time for all.
All my sisters and brothers could not make it last night so I'll have another dinner/movie night soon.
The movie is now on DVD for rent, so PLEASE do if you have not seen it. (The "Love Dare" book is a big part of the movie.)